Thursday, October 10, 2019

Planning Blog for FLHS Commercial

Today my group members and I planned our commercial project. This process was overall a helpful assignment, it helped my group and I, have a good understanding of what we want in our commercial. We planned put our list of props, costumes, schedule, locations, and our back-up plan. It is important that we plan whenever we have a new film project, because it helps us stay organized. Staying organized throughout this process will help us limit our mistakes and make the most of our time spent on the project. Planning out our props and costumes ahead of time insures that we have them the day we film. Our location list and back-up plan helps us later, when we have to storyboard. Writing out our schedule will help us stay on task. 
  • Props: Id’s, backpacks, and lunch. These props will help accentuate that we are on school campus.
  • Costumes: FLHS merchandise, blue, black, and white clothes, blue accessories, and blue and white face paint. Our costumes emphasize our school colors, showing school spirit.
  • Schedule: 10/10 Planing, 10/14 storyboard, 10/22 filming, 10/24 editing. 
  • Location list: FLHS, building 5 stair case, senior patio, bus loop. This are prime locations in our school, making it sensible to express them in our commercial. 
  • Back-Up plan: In the event that it rains, instead of filming at the senior patio. We will extend our scene at the stair case instead of filming at the bus loop. In the event that one of our group members are absent we will have another student in our class step in and play there part(s). 

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