Monday, October 14, 2019

Editing lesson

Today, in my media studies class we learned our varied camera procedures and had our lesson in editing. Our camera procedures are quite simple, every time we wish to check out a camera we must fill out an equipment agreement. We must have that completed before we receive any filming or editing equipment. We were taught how to use our cameras and tripods, not just the basics like how to turn on and off and how to charge. We also learned the different angles and types of shots that we could  do with the tripod. Knowing these things prior to our filming day, will help keep things going smoothly. While she was explaining the different things we can do with the tripod, my head started to fill with ideas for our commercial. Thoughts of possible scenes that we could use to help “sell” the school flooded my head. I tried to start and jot some of them down like, using the pan feature to get a cool shot of the school. But, before I knew it we had moved onto editing.

The first thing we learned with editing was how to dump. Dumping is when you take all your footage and you put it on the computer. The first step in dumping is to place your SD card into the SD card reader. Create a folder on you desk top for you to keep all you footage in. You should name this folder commercial or project1, etc., this will help you identify the file later. Next, plug the reader into the USB port of the computer, gently. Once you have done these step you are going to want to open your files icon, and click on the reader to view the content. Then, you should select ALL of YOUR footage and download it into the file you had previously made. Once all of your footage has downloaded you can then take the reader out of the computer and the SD card out of the reader. Place your SD card, back in your camera or camera bag. Congratulations you now know how to dump too!

The rest of the editing process is easy to understand. First, you  want to click on the pinnacle studios icon, then click on import. Select all videos, to select all videos click one then press the shift key and click on the last clip. Once imported, you must wait until the yellow bar turns green otherwise the computer will crash. Start editing, as soon as you wish. My group will most likely start editing on the class day after the 22nd of October. This is because we are filming on this day. I am excited and looking forward to editing our footage and proud to have this skill to create these transitions and edits for films.

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